Declaring a Climate and Workers’ Emergency

Trade unionist Philippe Pochet sets out a radical vision for the socio-ecological transformation of the European project.

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Solidarity Economy & the Commons in Central & Eastern Europe

Takeaways from the international solidarity economy wave are relevant for Central and Eastern Europe, but they must take into account local context.

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Who is in charge of the European Pillar of Social Rights?

Over a year after the EU “proclaimed” a series of social rights, little has been done and the initiative risks becoming an empty promise.

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Unconditional Freedom 2049

A comic on European basic income and what it meant for one family among millions.

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“Doomed to Failure”: Orbán’s Neoconservative Family Policies in Hungary

The Eurozine editor-in-chief talks women’s rights in Hungary under Orbán’s illiberal regime and its pro-family policies.

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Harassing the Poor: Orbán’s Fight Against the Homeless

Since October 2018, it has been illegal to live in the street in Hungary. Social anthropologist and housing rights activist Tessza Udvarhelyi explains why homeless people are such an easy target for populist politicians, and how the newest measures humiliate those who cannot afford a place to live.

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Solidarity Beyond the Headlines – Social Economies in Central and Eastern Europe

An interview with social movements researcher Agnes Gagyi on the solidarity economy in Romania and Hungary.

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The Progressive Package: Getting Unions Behind Basic Income

An interview with Yannick Vanderborght on why trade unions oppose basic income and whether we can expect that to change.

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Green Observatory: Basic Income

The Green European Journal asked experts, activists, and politicians from around Europe about the politics of basic income where they are.

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Basic Income: Insights from Finland

As the Finnish experiment draws to a close, social policy expert Heikki Hiilamo explains what’s next for basic income in Finland.

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