Progress Isn’t Progress Unless It’s Fair

To prevent the crystalisation of existing hierarchies and oppression, techno-scientific advances must keep freedom, equality, and sustainability as guiding principles.

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Basic Income in Scotland: A Grassroots View

Why is basic income gaining grassroots support as an idea? What methods can basic income groups use to build a following?

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Quality of Life Before Sustainability: Questioning Contemporary Green Discourse

A Green New Deal is good, but an ecofeminist one is even better.

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Basic Income in Scotland: Progress in a Time of Chaos

Interest in basic income is growing in Scotland and across the United Kingdom. Can we expect trials from the Scottish government and where might the momentum lead?

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MeTooEP: Rooting Out Sexual Harassment in the European Parliament

The MeTooEP movement shone a light on sexual harassment in European Parliament. Despite important progress, much remains to be done.

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The Neoliberal Fuel to the Anti-Gender Movement

If progressives want to fight the movement against so-called ‘gender ideology’, they need to break with neoliberalism.

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From Italy to the EU: Alternatives to a Failing Status Quo

A conversation on how to rework the political economy to end inequality and challenge the “business as usual” attitude of the EU and Italy’s ruling classes.

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How Do EU Free Trade Agreements Protect Workers?

Jean-Claude Juncker’s outgoing EU Commission emphasised a fair approach to trade – how far do the steps it has taken go towards protecting workers?

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The Future of Basic Income in Finland

Trials in recent years, an advanced national debate and a new progressive majority in Parliament make Finland a key context to follow for basic income developments.

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Basic Income Has Always Been a Women’s Cause

In the UK, women spearheaded early campaigns for a basic income. Natalie Bennett explains why the feminist case for a UBI remains strong today.

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