Beyond the Bubble: Ageing, Solidarity and Covid-19

The health crisis is a chance for a new generational compromise built around connection, participation, and solidarity.

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The Cost of Care: Rethinking Value in Times of Crisis

The burden of essential work has fallen heavily on the shoulders of women during the pandemic, even as the economy continues to undervalue them.

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Three Responses to the Crisis

While the pandemic has exposed different systems of governance, it offers compelling reasons to revive the welfare state.

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Hiding in the Concrete Jungle: Covid-19 and Eastern Europe’s Built Heritage

The pandemic has exposed how access to quality, safe housing is a major issue in Eastern European cities.

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The Weight of Life

Reimagining resilience and prosperity starts with restoring the dignity of all and a new social contract.

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Abortion Debate in Malta: Between Progress, Catholic Morality and Patriarchy

Raisa Galea explores the contradictions of a debate which is bound to questions of national identity, morality and sovereignty.

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How Basic Income Entered the Mainstream

A look at basic income’s enduring merits through the eyes of one of its ardent advocates, Malcolm Torry.

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Eco-Social Steps to Resilience

Building shock-resistant societies calls for a break with capitalist logic to propose solutions that prioritise wellbeing while factoring in ecological limits.

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Stronger Public Health, Stronger Europe

For the EU, resilience will mean putting patient needs at the centre of public health and recognising that human health and environment are inextricably connected.

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Basic Income and Pandemic Preparedness

As we think about building societies that can be ready for pandemics and resilient to shocks, basic income needs to be part of the picture.

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