Why We Need to Be Able to Say No at Work

We live in a society that values and rewards paid work above all other activities – it’s time for a rethink.

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Affordable Housing is a Human Right

Leilani Farha, global housing expert, explains the housing crisis, how to alleviate it, and why housing should be viewed as a fundamental human right.

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Will Covid-19 Leave a Permanent Scar on Young People’s Futures?

A year and a half after the onset of the pandemic, young people are reflecting on the impact it has had on their lives.

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Working From Home: Can the Benefits Outweigh the Risks?

Working from home can make workers more productive and enhance their wellbeing, but only if several important conditions are met.

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From Profit-taking to Life-making: Quality Care for People and Planet

Sociologist Sara Farris explains how the lens of social reproduction offers a way to understand the structural under-valuing of the work that keeps society on its feet.

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How Greens in Government Are Tackling Homelessness

Greens are driving responses to homelessness but the pandemic and the lack of support from governments threaten to set back these efforts.

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Guaranteeing the Right to Decent Work

The job guarantee is an ambitious proposal that aims to ensure everyone in society has access to fairly waged, decent work.

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A Socio-Ecological Contract for a Post-Pandemic Europe

A conversation with the ETUI general director on what the pandemic has meant for workers and the window of opportunity to achieve a just and green recovery.

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Liveable Spaces for All: Covid-19 in the City

For people living in cities during the lockdown, space was a major concern, both in and outside the home.

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Solidarity Not Charity: Mutual Aid in Europe

The coronavirus crisis saw networks of solidarity spring up across Europe and the world. The Green European Journal spoke to organisers about their activities.

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