Running Dry: Protecting the Right to Water in Europe

Martin Vrba explains why privatised water cannot bring about the resilience needed to face a warming world.

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Will High Costs Stop Europeans’ Mobility in its Tracks?

Philipp Cerny asks whether free public transport can transform how Europeans get around.

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Prosperity for the Many

In the face of unaffordable rents, Manuel Gabarre de Sus looks at how cities around Europe can ensure the right to housing.

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The Cost of Not Living in Europe

Outside the EU’s borders, hundreds of millions of people toil for our prosperity and even fight for our democracy.

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A Climate of Disruption

With disruption set to become the norm, Robert Magowan asks how Greens can navigate chaos and conflict to drive positive change.

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A New Social Contract for People and Planet

Fairness needs to be at the heart of Europe’s social policies and its fight against climate change.

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Democratising Work in the 21st Century

How can work be democratised and decommodified, so that workers feel more fulfilled in their jobs and have a greater say at their workplaces?

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Cultivating Authoritarianism: Orbán’s Political Education Project

Beneath the facade of reforms, Orbán’s education policies deepen inequalities and place schools at the whims of Fidesz’ power.

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UK Academics Campaigning for Social Justice

Faced with precarious contracts and poor working conditions, university staff have been organising for the promise of social justice in education.

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Connecting Student Housing With the Struggle for Democracy in Hungary

After the Hungarian government abandoned a student housing project for a Fudan campus, young people refused to let it die quietly.

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