After Brexit: Reckoning with Britain’s Racism and Xenophobia

What has transpired in Britain since the Leave campaign won the Brexit has only shown how easily the veneer of civility and conviviality can be peeled back to reveal the virulence of racism and xenophobia seething under the skin of British social life.

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What’s the Matter with Amsterdam? – An Education Discourse Turned on its Head

This spring students in Amsterdam occupied their university, sparking similar protests in many other cities from the UK, to Canada, to Montenegro. What was the cause of this unrest and how did the protest come about? A reconstruction.

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Citizens’ David Against TTIP Goliath

Although the reality is often forgotten behind the acronym, the four letters of TTIP represent a huge transatlantic free trade agreement. How can such a complex issue as a free trade agreement bring out the masses?

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The Anxieties That (Dis)Unite: Terrorism and the Forces of Integration

In a rational world, security threats might boost European integration, given their cross-border nature. Today’s Europe, however, is different.

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Facing Terror: A Call for Radical Love, or a Radical Call for Love

As a Bruxellois, confronted with the terrible events in Zaventem and the Maelbeek metro station, terrorism has reached my doorstep. More than ten years after September 11th, my reaction to these attacks is very different to the one I had back then.

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“There Wasn’t Much Pre-existing Trust and Solidarity”

Before we can tell whether multiculturalism is strengthening or weakening solidarity between the people of a particular society, we need to acknowledge that there were deficits of trust and solidarity long before multicultural policies were adopted. Such policies are potential tools for overcoming the historic deficits in trust and solidarity.

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Discrimination Is a Barrier That Can’t Be Knocked Down: The Roma Experience of Exclusion

The borders that criss-cross our maps, and the notions of national unity that they connote, belie the fact that within and across these neatly delineated units there are communities whose very existence is a challenge to this territorial division. The case of the Roma people, spread throughout Europe and beyond, is an apt illustration of this.

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Molenbeek: European Capital of Jihadism?

Following the terrorist attacks in Paris in November 2015, the international spotlight has been on Belgium as an alleged breeding ground for radical Islam.

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TTIP’s Dangerous Regulatory Duet

TTIP has become notorious over recent years. From Brussels to Berlin, Warsaw to Barcelona, more people know what these four letters stand for today more than ever before.

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Protests in Romania – “Remember, remember, the 3rd of November”

In November 2015, Romanians protested to take down a corrupt national system, and the Prime Minister with it. The tragedy of the fire at a concert in Bucharest that killed 62 and seriously injured many more has been largely blamed as the fault of the system of corruption that rots the country. In turn, it triggered massive protests, signalling that Romanian society has had enough.

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