Deeper Cooperation is the Only Path to a Social Europe

László Andor talks to us about social Europe, his idea of a European unemployment insurance scheme & whether the EU institutions are neoliberal.

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From the European Pillar of Social Rights to the Euro-Dividend: Choosing an Ambitious Social Europe

A renewed look at the EU’s social role means it’s time to consider a European-wide basic income.

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Social Policies as Tools to Promote Security

The sense of security in a society is closely bound up with its institutions; the cases of the Nordic countries demonstrate that these feelings of security can be enhanced by fostering inclusive institutions.

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System Failure: Social and Economic (in)Security in Europe

Why is the spectre of social (in)security haunting Europe despite it being richer than ever before?

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Flawed but Worth it: The Finnish Basic Income Experiment

Finland has just launched a basic income experiment. How is it different to other models. A critical yet hopeful look at its design & purpose.

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The Punitive Regulation of Poverty in the Neoliberal Age

The prison in the age of neoliberalism is examined in this analysis by sociologist Loïc Wacquant.

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A Discussion with the Polish Greens on Abortion and Women’s Rights

Leader of the Polish Greens, Małgorzata Tracz, talks to Eliana Capretti from the European Green Party about the ‘Black Monday’ protests and the fight for abortion rights in Poland.

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A Conversation that Cannot Wait

A broad coalition seems to be gathering pace in Ireland, and extending far beyond the country’s borders, calling for a reform of Ireland’s abortion laws – the most stringent in Europe. A courageous campaign combined with a shift in public attitudes could mean real change is finally on the horizon.

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How to Mend the European Heart?

The question of the future of European integration became especially important after the “Leave” vote in the referendum on UK membership in the European Union. Do we need just better common institutions – or do we need a new vision, as Dutch author Dick Pels, suggests?

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Quo Vadis, Polonia?

Since the crash of Polish President Lech Kaczyński’s plane in 2010, a period of renewed nationalism centred around Catholicism, conservatism, and an ‘us’ versus ‘them’ mentality has taken hold in Poland. This wave of populism has led to an increase in division and violence.

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