The New Urban Crisis: Beyond the Superstar City

Richard Florida’s critical assessment of inequality within and between cities diagnoses the problem, but fails to offer real answers.

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“Populism is pro-social”: Trade Unions in a Changing Europe

An interview on the 21st-century challenges facing the trade union movement, from energy transition to new forms of work.

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The New Urban Crisis: A Manifesto for the Status Quo

Growing inequality has become a hallmark of many cities. For this reviewer, Richard Florida’s latest book is a worrying prescription for more of the same.

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Green Observatory: Drug Policy

From the War on Drugs to health, are changes in attitudes to drugs being reflected in policies around Europe?

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The Struggle for Social Europe

Does renewed discussion at EU level present an opportunity to advance social Europe?

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Will technology improve health and safety at work?

INRS, the French body in charge of occupational health and safety, analyses the potential impact of automation on occupational health and safety.

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Recasting Work in an Era of Insecurity

Fundamental upheavals to work are destabilising hard-fought protections. Labour codes – and work itself – must be reshaped to reflect the economic realities of our time.

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Filling in the Cracks: Visions of Social Protection that Works

Welfare state models have historically linked social protection to employment. How can these adapt to new realities? Proposals and perspectives on social protection and the future of work from across Europe.

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Dr Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Robot

Technological advances, demographic shifts, and a shortage of caregivers mean that huge change is in store for the European healthcare system. But what does this mean for the healthcare workforce?

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Invisible but Indispensable – The Unpaid Work at the Heart of our Economies

Much of the work which sustains society goes unrecognised. Politicians and experts from around Europe discuss experiences and policies in their country, and how to better account for domestic, care and other socially useful unpaid and often invisible forms of work.

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