Under the Paving Stones, a Vegetable Garden

Greening citizenship – through gardening practices – offers an opportunity for self-government with radical potential to re-balance the relationship between people and the natural world.

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The Creeping Advance of Working from Home

Homeworking is becoming routine for more and more people. But what does this shift mean for our relationship to work, time and space?

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An Eco-Social Perspective on Transhumanism

Tracing the rise of transhumanism, the techno-utopian philosophy that provides no answer to social and environmental crisis.

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Do We Want to Advance Towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

In the first of a three-part series, we look at how blind optimism must be replaced by a societal debate in which technological advances are held accountable.

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Sex in Colonial Empires and Its Legacy in Europe Today

Feminist and historian Christelle Taraud discusses her research into the representation of race and sex in North Africa under French colonial rule and its legacy today.

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How Identity Stole the Debate

The EUI professor examines Europe’s ongoing struggle over social values in times of rising Islamophobia and growing nostalgia for a Christian Europe.

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How GDPR Is Driving the US Privacy Legislation Debate

While US firms might dominate the tech industry, the European Union led the way on digital rights. Now US politicians too are calling for reform.

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In Search of a Digital Arcadia

The internet of today is far from the digital promised land first imagined by cyber utopians. Geopolitics will play a defining role in shaping its future.

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To 2049 and Beyond: A Future History of the Internet

The story of the next 30 years in cyberspace: reinventing privacy online, Digital Donor Cards and where next for the EU after GDPR.

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Europe Must Do More for Media and Democracy

Despite the attention on fake news, independent media are being left to survive on their own in the face of hostility and a struggle for revenues.

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