Why We Need a Decolonial Ecology

Environmental destruction is inseparable from relationships of racial and colonial domination.

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Imagining a Virtuous Break with the Modern Age

Abundance and Freedom by Pierre Charbonnier is an environmental history of ideas that links changing patterns in land use to political thought as it developed in the modern era.

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Why Technology Divides the Green Movement

From policy matters to debates over strategy, this divide shapes political visions with the green camp and beyond. In order to navigate it, its roots must first be understood.

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Vulnerability and the Green New Deal: A Note of Caution

The Green Deal needs a nuanced approach which recognises the historical roots of today’s inequalities.

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Putting Time at the Heart of Political Ecology

Changing our relationships with time and work remains a key task for progressive forces everywhere. This an opportunity for green politics to suddenly become urgent.

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Algorithmic Governmentality and the Death of Politics

The legal philosopher questions the drive to rationalise all aspects of life through data and sets out possibilities for alternatives.

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On the Love and Rage of Extinction Rebellion

How can Extinction Rebellion move from insurrection to renewal?

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Threads of Political Ecology: A Review

A selection mapping some of the major currents that have shaped political ecology in recent years and which continue to do so.

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EuropaCity: a “Hyper-place” for a Globalised Europe?

This gargantuan project has aroused public enthusiasm and anger in equal measure, and continues to hold lessons for understanding people’s relationships with cities.

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