Ukraine’s Fightback Starts With the Truth

The determination, resilience, and flexibility displayed by ordinary people in Ukraine have defied expectations.

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It’s Russia and Europe That Have a Problem With Ukraine

Ukraine’s fierce counter-attack against Russia is rooted in unique aspects of its society and culture.

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What We Can Learn from the UK’s Four-Day Week Trial

The largest four-day week trial could be transformative but for wider appeal, campaigners need more than the empirical evidence it will provide.

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Insights from the Education Nation: The Case of Estonia

The story of how Estonia built one of the most innovative and successful public education systems in the world.

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Bosnia-Herzegovina: The Power of Discovering Our Shared Humanity

Bringing young people together is only half the battle; overcoming binary and prejudiced thinking also requires openness and positive feelings towards other groups.

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Northern Ireland: The Tight Gag of Place

Twenty years after the Good Friday Agreement, what progress has been made in Northern Ireland towards overcoming segregation and coming to terms with the past?

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Alternatives to Nationalist Education: Lessons From Poland

Anna Dzierzgowska on reforms to school curricula and why who and what is included from our past matters for our future.

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“We Cannot Delete Our Way Out Of This”: Learning In The Maze

Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck speaks to Beatrice White about how education needs to adapt to the realities of the digital world.

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Simone Weil: The Price of Paying Attention

In the age of push notifications, Simone Weil’s thinking on the power and value of our attention is more relevant than ever.

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Decolonising the Classroom: Reforming Education for an Anti-Racist Society

Brussels MP Kalvin Soiresse Njall on the campaign to reconcile Belgian public memory with the lasting legacy of European colonialism.

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