Belgian Repressed Memories

Our understanding of our great history is compiled not only through our reading but also through the recounting of family stories. The commemoration of 1914 offers us the opportunity to reflect on the war, on the possibility for forgiveness, and on our responsibilities in the present.

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Same-Sex Marriage in the UK

Despite some flaws, the bill on same sex-marriage is a positive step in the right direction.

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Greens and Science: Why the Green Movement Is Not Anti-Science

The Green Movement owes a great deal to science, but is sometimes portrayed as anti-science.

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Some Reflections on Hospitality and Integration in Europe

‘Hospitality’ in the traditional sense is too limited a concept when discussing our relationship with Europe’s migrant communities. Instead what we need is a language that recognises all groups as equal partners striving for a shared identity.

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EU as a Project to Enhance Hospitality

The European Union has always been a project that marries differing perspectives – the pursuit of peace and borders open to people, goods and ideas. However the steady evolution of this project has been disrupted by the economic crisis, which has led to a rise of xenophobic, nationalist thoughts. For Jean Lambert, Europe must now confront the idea of ‘us’ versus ‘them’ that exists and work towards creating a truly hospitable EU.

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The Progress of the Arts and Ecological Wisdom

Placing our society and economy within an ecological framework will require a radical rethink of what ‘progress’ means as to date this has become synonymous with economic growth. This will mean a change in our relationship with technology and a rebuilding of our social relations.

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The Fast-Food Feminism of the Topless Femen

Blonde young women stripping off their shirts to protest for… women’s rights.

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Manifesto for Rebuilding Europe from the Bottom Up

In this proposal, initiated by Ulrick Bech and Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a group of pro-Europeans argue for a form of active citizenship to promote European democracy and resolve the political crisis that continues to grip the European project.

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Dany and Socrates Wrestle with the Problems of Europe

This afternoon whilst strolling in the university gardens I had a most extraordinary, if not hallucinatory, encounter!

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Where Would We Be Without Barbarians?

“Barbarians” still provide us with a way out of our own frustrations, identity-conflicts and forbidden feelings.

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