Beyond the Growth Imperative

What does environmental economist Tim Jackson’s latest book, Post Growth, have to say about breaking the growth chokehold?

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Hooked on Growth: Rewiring Institutions for Wellbeing

A new policy paradigm needs to emerge that is capable of thinking broadly and ecologically about wellbeing, sustainability, and justice.

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Questioning Our Limits to Leave Scarcity Behind

Rather than insisting on external limits, environmentalists should call for society to make its own.

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Global Means

Sociologist and thinker reinvents the institutions of the liberal global order. Fly through a 30-year rescue of social rights and the environment from the ravages of unbridled globalisation.

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Beyond the Choke Hold of Growth: Post-growth or Radical Degrowth?

Part two of an interview with key thinkers at the Post-Growth 2018 conference at the European Parliament.

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The Politics of Post-Growth

At the Post-Growth 2018 conference at the European Parliament, key thinkers discuss today’s possibilities for imagining a world beyond growth.

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Ending the EU’s Growth Mantra

An interview with European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager on whether the time has come to leave growth behind.

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A Sufficiency Vision for an Ecologically Constrained World

With global production pushing the planet past its limits, a shift from growth to sufficiency in rich countries is now an imperative

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Work in a World Without Growth

With growth-driven economies surpassing environmental limits, a job guarantee could offer a way to a sustainable economic system.

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When Time Isn’t Money: The Case for Working Time Reduction

Could reducing working time offer a way to a fairer, healthier, and more sustainable society?

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