France’s Green Cities are Showing Change is Possible

Despite a rocky start, Green mayors are sticking to their agenda and making inroads into society.

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Europe on the Ballot: Is Secessionism Back?

A striking mix of left- and right-wing separatists, along with advocates of regionalism and sovereignism are the new kingmakers in Spain after an inconclusive general election this summer. Around Europe, separatist and nationalist forces are gaining influence. What could this trend mean for Europe and what role for the EU in addressing resurfacing questions around secession?

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Leadership in Crisis: Being Ready for Sudden Change

The dominant leadership model is a desperate attempt to hold together an unsustainable status quo. But political change is brewing. Here’s how Greens should prepare.

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What Is the True Face of Giorgia Meloni? 

The Italian prime minister’s image as a moderate, pro-Western leader has earned her international credibility. But is her metamorphosis genuine?

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Podemos and Syriza, the End of an Era? 

A decade after shaking EU politics to the core, Syriza and Podemos face an uncertain future. Is left-wing populism a failed experiment?

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Why Greece’s Green Parties Are Failing to Bloom 

The Greens’ failure to break through has roots in the country’s democratic history and political culture.

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Steering Germany Through the Climate Storm

To reconcile the physical reality of climate change with the attitudes of German society, pragmatism is key.

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Europe on the Ballot: Why Transnational Parties Failed     

Transnational parties promised to shake up EU politics before the European elections in 2019. These experiments appear to have run out of road.

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“Which side are you on?”: Spain’s Most Polarised Election  

On 23 July, a crucial election could determine Spain’s future course, but the divisive electoral campaign shows that the country has already changed.

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From Grassroots to Government: Greens Leading Reform in Zagreb

Following Zagreb’s example, grassroots-based municipalist movements can lead a new progressive wave in the Balkans.

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