It’s Time to Stop Pandering to UKIP

Rather than panic in the face of a Ukip surge, Britain’s political leaders need to stick to their principles and work to solve the root cause of voters’ unrest: the economic crisis.

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Cameron’s EU gamble and the consequences for Scotland

Cameron’s proposal for an in/out referendum on EU membership is likely to cause uncertainty and confusion for years to come, but what impact will it have on Scotland’s independence referendum? Scottish Greens co-convenor Patrick Harvie discusses the consequences.

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The Distress of the Italian Left

Pier Bersani’s surprise at the Italian election results is the fruit of the growing disconnect of his Democratic Party from reality, and the centre-left leader is the creator of his own defeat.

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Van Rompuy’s Silent Coup d’Etat

Nothing seems to disturb what feels like a silent coup d’état carried out with the tacit consent of 27 Heads of State and Government.

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Next challenges for the European Greens

In the 2009 European Parliament elections, the Green Group of MEPs won 13 more seats to become the 4th largest group. However when the European Parliament faces elections again in 2014, the political environmental will be vastly different. How to the Greens repeat their success of 2009 in such a situation? The Green European Journal talks to European Green Party Co-Chair Reinhard Bütikofer about his plans.

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On the importance of inequality for the European Greens

Inequality helped set in motion a downward spiral that resulted in the global financial crisis. Today, that inequality has finally been acknowledged as a central problem, and addressing it successfully can help us to not only overcome the crisis but to move to a more sustainable society.

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Groenlinks Must Be Greener and Lefter

The world view of GroenLinks is founded on three deeply-held convictions: Green, leftist and progressive. These ideals are still alive but each of them in turn points to the need for a sharper critique of capitalism and the neoliberal culture.

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Is the Fiscal Compact Just a Waiting Room for Euro Members-To-Be?

Whatever line the Green Party takes, all eyes should be on the French Greens, whose rejection of the Fiscal Treaty demonstrates that you can maintain your independence even while in government.

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The Ambition Must Be Green – Reflections on the Dutch Election

Voters dealt the Dutch GroenLinks party a painful blow. The solution is clear: the party must get its act together and pursue an unambiguously Green identity.

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Europe on the Way to a Political Union?

A political union, with a “Eurobond Parliament”, might offer a solution to the Eurozone crisis.

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