The Hour of Audacity

In the face of rising populism, Europe must adopt an audacious approach that addresses the anxieties of citizens and proposes a vision of the welfare state beyond the nation state.

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Sweden: Green/Feminist Victory but also Extreme Right-wing Success

The polarised results of the European elections seem to indicate that new kinds of parties are replacing the traditional parties. This phenomenon was visible in Sweden, but also in many other countries across Europe.

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After the European elections

With elections behind us, what kind of European Parliament is now being formed? The results paint a fragmented picture, with significant losses weakening the centre in favour of an increased presence of the radical right and left.

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What Can We Expect from the Next Orbán Government?

Using the symbolic politics of ‘government of the people for the people’, Orban secured a comfortable re-election. He skillfully captured shifting political moods, and helped fracture the left. However his future plans remain unclear, and Hungary may now witness a battle between right and far-right.

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What Difference Can It Make? A Comparison of the Parties’ Electoral Manifestos

As the different European Parties unveil their election manifestos, we can see real differences in the direction that each of them want to take Europe over the coming years. The voters will have a real choice in next month’s European Parliament election.

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Political Ecology is a Martial Art

Greens are impatient people. The sentiment of urgency has been fuelling their calls for radical change over the past four decades.

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Giving Streets, and Power, to the People

A referendum to pedestrianise a street in Vienna, though successful, forced to Greens to examine their narrative for creating a greener city. How do they build support among those who are still suspicious of what a green transformation can offer?

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How to Elect a Green Mayor

Against the tide of right and far-right success in the French local elections, the Greens scored a big win in the race for Mayor of Grenoble. In doing so, they created a new and vibrant alternative to the left of the Socialists. What can we learn from this?

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Germany’s Backdoor Bail-Out

The sovereign bail-outs of Greece, Ireland, Spain and other countries are often framed as loans handed out to the poor, irresponsible countries of the periphery by rich, responsible countries like Germany. They might come with very harsh conditions attached, but their aim is nonetheless to help the recipients. But is that really the case?

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Kogo naprawdę ratują pożyczki dla zadłużonych europejskich krajów?

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