Is Portugal Trendy? Some Thoughts on a New Eurozone Government

So, what are the implications for the EU of a new socialist-led, but communist-green and leftist-supported, and ostensibly anti-austerity government in Portugal? I keep hearing this question; less frequently, the interrogation is sometimes accompanied by ‘is Portugal a new Greece’? Will there be a new conflict within the European Council, a new battle with the ECB, a new Varoufakis, and renewed talk of a Eurozone exit?

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How the European Far Right Discovered the Dark Side of the Liberal Tradition

The Front National secured the largest share of the vote in the first round of the French regional elections on 6 December, but failed to win any regions in the second round. While the Front National is often regarded simply as a far-right party, Marine Le Pen has increasingly focused on the Front National’s role in defending liberal and republican values. This apparent liberalism reflects a wider trend across Europe for parties to cite liberal values as the basis for critiques of Islam.

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Beneath the Surface of the Crisis: A Closer Look at the state of French Greens

Without a doubt, the news of Jean Vincent Placé (leader of Green group in the French Senate) and other Green members’ departure from the group – during the summer 2015 after having accused others in the party Europe Ecologie Les Verts (EELV) of “shifting too far left” and demanding too much of the Socialist government – was a relief to the Greens and their supporters. But, it is far from fully cathartic, perhaps partly because losing members is always a failure.

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The Paris Terrorist Attacks: A Certain Ideal of Political Communication

“France is at war,” declared the French President, François Hollande, in front of the Congress of the French Parliament on 16th November 2015. He was using the same words as Le Monde on 14th November and Manuel Valls the same evening on TF1 television news. The Prime Minister then said that Islamic State (IS) would lose the struggle, but he admitted that it was only just beginning.

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The real shift to the right did not happen at the elections

It has been assumed the outcome of the Swiss elections demonstrated another parliamentary shift to the far-right in Europe. A deeper look however shows the complex web behind the Swiss electoral system and further highlights the self-defeating complications of the Swiss Green network.

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In Poland, Right-wing parties (PiS) won the parliamentary elections on 25th October, leaving the centre-Right coalition (PO and PSL) that led the country for eight years in the opposition, and the Left out of the Parliament completely. But elections do not tell the whole story. The Polish political scene is changing. Parties of change and changes of parties animated the elections of this year. Citizens cast their complaints in the ballot box. Greens will need to draw lessons and determine their angle of attack for the future.

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Austrian Greens need support they can count on

Although Greens in Austria have made considerable electoral breakthroughs, the recent municipal elections in Vienna showed that a considerable portion of this support is liable to abandon Greens when circumstances change and the discourse becomes more polarised. If Greens are to cement their place in the political landscape, they need to consolidate this support base and expand it in a way that is sustainable.

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Turkey goes to the polls amid human rights fears

It’s election time in an unstable Turkey. The people in Turkey go to the polls on 1st November despite a series of violent attacks targeting the HDP. How can free and fair elections be expected to take place in a political climate where parties cannot campaign without fearing for their safety?

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What does Jeremy Corbyn’s election as Labour Leader mean for Greens, in Britain and across the EU?

The Labour Party leadership in the UK is over. Confounding the critics and the bookmakers (the odds for Corbyn to win were 100-1 when the campaign began!), the maverick left-winger Jeremy Corbyn has been elected as Labour’s leader, and by a thumping majority!

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Choosing between Europe and TTIP

For Americans, much more so than for Europeans, security trumps freedom. The NSA is beyond the control of the President and of Congress; and the US, in the role of the benevolent protector, imposes its own ethical standards onto its allies in order to extract both economic profits and strategic political information. These differences between the US and Europe do not call into question the continued viability of NATO, but they do, however, negate both the desirability and the feasibility of forming a “Transatlantic Internal Market”.

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