The Polish Catholic Church Has Become Intertwined with Euroscepticism and the Promotion of Conservative “National Values”

After a surge of support in the Presidential and General Elections last year, the right-wing national conservative Law and Justice Party now dominates Polish politics.

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The First Directly Elected Green President in the World?

The recent Austrian elections show there is a lot of discontent with the governing parties and their management of the crises of recent years; in particular the migration crisis, which is an obvious boost for the far right. Nevertheless, to really understand what is happening, one has to consider not only the past and the present, but especially the future.

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The Dutch No: The Failure of Eurominimalism?

In the aftermath of the Dutch EU-Ukraine Association Agreement referendum, doubts remain on why voters chose to vote as they did.What explains the result, what solutions are likely and what is the way ahead?

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What Happened in Germany on 13th March 2016?

“The Baden-Württemberg flying green carpet has landed in the middle of society.” These were the words uttered by Winfried Kretschmann in his speech following the victory of the Greens in the German land, a remarkable feat given the odds against them and the current trends playing in favour of the far-right. However, elsewhere in the country, the picture is somewhat different…

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Brexit for Beginners – The Who, What, and Why of the British EU Referendum

Back in January 2013, David Cameron promised the British people a referendum on the European Union on the condition that the Conservatives would win the next election. What was once a fleeting promise has now become a reality and British voters have a choice to make – Brexit or Bremain?

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Green Election Breakthrough in Ireland

The Irish Greens are back in the Dail (the Irish national parliament).

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Decision Making: Living in Sympathy with Our Human Environment

No-one has the right to rule by force of arms, violence; and no one has the right to dominate others by force of numbers: majority voting. So how should the Greens in particular, and society in general, make democratic decisions?

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Constitutional Crisis in Poland

The recent accession of the right-wing Law and Justice Party (PiS) to power has seen the judiciary and legal systems in Poland struck by swift and far-reaching reforms, and the trend shows no sign of slowing. With the phrase “constitutional crisis” being increasingly heard, it is time to examine what is happening to the legal system in Poland.

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Spain on the Threshold of a New Transition

Thirty years on from its transition to democracy after Franco, Spain faces a new transition to another system of government, which has yet to be defined.

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Poland After Kaczyński

We need to start thinking about the future and Poland after the end of the Law and Justice (PiS) rule – even though for many it may seem like a science fiction scenario right now.

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