Republic at Stake

With many of the traditional larger parties in disarray in France, will this and a fatigue with the status quo play to the advantages of so-called outsiders such as Le Pen and Macron?

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Dutch Elections: A Victory Over the Nexiters?

An assessment of the Netherlands’ recent general elections – a victory for the pro-europeans against the ‘Nexiters’?

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The Dutch General Elections: The Calm Before the Storm?

Do the Dutch elections represent a return to political ‘normalcy’ or is it a façade, and is it about to crumble or it is masking deeper changes?

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Radicalisation in Isolation: The Success of the Dutch Freedom Party

Is the Freedom Party a prime example of the rise of far-right populism around Europe? Or are things more complicated?

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Reaching an Open Society: An Interview with Yannick Jadot

With France’s presidential election just months away – what role is there for political ecology to play?

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Defeating National Populism: Lessons from Austria and Portugal

Can Austria and Portugal provide clues as to which conditions are needed for progressive forces to flourish?

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Harvesting Change: a New Green Political Force in Lithuania

An interview with Tomas Tomilinas, MP with the Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union who gained a landslide victory last year.

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Where do we go from here? Austrian Greens after Van der Bellen’s victory

Alexander Van der Bellen’s election as president was a boost for Austrian Greens, but many challenges lie ahead.

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“A coalition is not a love match” – Interview with Ralf Fücks

A discussion with Ralf Fücks, outgoing president of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, on the situation in Germany, coalitions with Merkel and the rise of the AfD.

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Poland: a Vicious Cycle of Disdain

Poland’s increasingly polarised political discourse, an increasing state grip on the media, and how to break the pattern.

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