The Dutch Demise of Social Democracy: A Green Opportunity?

A striking yet underreported feature of the recent Dutch elections was the downfall of the labour party. What led to this? What does it mean for Greens?

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Is Social Democracy Ever Coming Back?

Is social democracy in irreversible decline or does it need to be reimagined by different forces, such as the Greens?

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France Has Voted for Renewal – But in Which Form?

In the second and final round of the French presidential campaign – what kind of vision for renewal will French voters ultimately opt for?

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Floating Insecurity: Searching for an Anchor

The late Bauman was known for his searing commentaries on the modern world, including his view of security discourse and its “latent and manifest functions”.

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The Economics of Fear: How Orbán Profits from Insecurities

By playing upon fears linked to social insecurities and loss of national identity, as well as threats to national security, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán seeks to position himself as the sole protector of his nation.

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Getting Personal: How Biosecurity Gets Under Our Skin

A review of Frederic Gros’s book – The Principal Security – which outlines his increasingly pertinent concept of biosecurity.

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An Inside Job: European Societies Need to Look Within to Achieve Real Security

How should Greens respond to the very real sense of insecurity felt by many European citizens today? Four Green leaders from around Europe discuss how a Green security policy might look, and how to communicate it.

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Facing Our Fears

Editorial: In a Europe with a changing political landscape, the future of the Union– and incidentally that of the Greens in 2019 – will be largely played out over the question of security.

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Green for the People

How do we define populism? How did it influnce the Dutch elections, and what can Green parties learn from it?

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Privatised Risks, Omnipresent Dangers

As security risks dominate the ‘West’, the main beneficiaries are private companies who promise to protect us from “known knowns, known unknowns & unknown unknowns”.

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