Speaking to Both Sides: Can a Green Message Resonate in Town and Country?

Silvia Nossek, the chairperson of one of Vienna’s districts, talks about the Green approach to local politics and about countryside versus city.

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The Call of the City

The editor-in-chief introduces the 16th thematic edition ‘Talk of the Town’ and its foray into the political dynamics and struggles of the city in Europe and beyond.

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Small City, Big Picture: A Green Mayor in Greece

How much difference can a Green mayor make? An interview with Lefteris Ioannidis, mayor of Kozani, Greece.

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Turning Point for the Czech Republic? An interview with the Czech Greens Leader

In the run up to the elections in the Czech Republic on the 20th and 21st of October, we spoke to the chair of the Czech Greens.

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“Social justice for all? That’s like Harry Potter on TV on a saturday night”

We talked strategy & political reality with Robert Habeck, leader of the German Greens in their strongest state result this year.

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The Challenge Facing the UK Greens Post-2017 Election

The UK Greens did not adapt to wider political changes before the general election & their vote halfed. How can they regain their distinctive voice?

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Deals with Dinosaurs: the DUP

The UK election result forced the Conservative Party into a deal with a little-known Northern Irish party – who are they? A comparative look with Poland.

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Pairing up to Repair Europe: France and Germany

France and Germany make up the motor of Europe and partly determine its future, but what are their cooperation prospects in the face of 2017 elections?

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Are the Greens Still Relevant in the UK?

Following the Labour Party’s gains at the recent UK elections, on a platform adopting various Green policies, do the UK’s Green parties still have a role to play in the political scene?

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“The Most Important Election of My Lifetime”

The UK election is fast approaching – we talked to Green candidate, MEP, and green economist Molly Scott Cato about progressive alliances, Brexit, and social democracy.

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