Politics is too important to be left to the politicians

An interview on the 2019 European elections and what the potential shake-up means for the balance of power in the European Parliament.

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“Security cannot simply be delegated to the military”

An interview with Co-chair of the European Green Party Reinhard Bütikofer on the new European Defence Fund and the state of security in the EU.

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China’s Policy of Influence Seeking in Europe

All eyes may be on Russia, but China’s subtle influence-seeking policy in Europe should not be overlooked.

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The New Zealand Greens’ Long Road to Government

An interview with co-leader and climate minister from the New Zealand Greens on their successes in government so far and the challenges that lie ahead.

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Touchy about Technology: Jobs and the Challenge for the Left

Luxemburgish Socialist MEP Mady Delvaux-Stehres discusses how we can place technology at the service of workers, social cohesion, and the fight against inequality.

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Representing the Brave New World of Work

As digitalisation turns the world of work upside down, Reiner Hoffmann discusses the situation of employees in the future labour market, and the role of the EU and trade unions.

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Work in Motion

The editorial team presents the 17th thematic edition, “Work on the Horizon”, and sets forth why the future of work represents the key political challenge of our time.

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Green Sweep: Lessons from the Dutch Local Elections

The Dutch Greens had unprecedented success in the March local elections. How did they manage it?

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Tough Way Forward for Polarised Hungary

Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz were delivered to victory by an unfair system, media manipulation, and attacking their enemies. Opposition failure made it too easy for them.

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Animals on the Agenda

With animal rights awareness and activism on the rise, how can we turn animal exploitation into a thing of the past?

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