The Hungarian Opposition’s Cautious Battle for Budapest

With a tough race ahead, the Hungarian opposition has reason to be cautiously optimistic that it can take back Budapest from Viktor Orbán’s party.

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Pathways to Power: How Green Parties Join Governments

As some Green parties move closer to entering government, looking to paths already trodden by Greens in Sweden and Finland proves illuminating.

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Belarus in the Multipolar World

Strong ties with Russia prevent Belarus from becoming a fully neutral and independent state. To maintain sovereignty, Minsk must find its place in the multipolar world.

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Belgium and its Green Parties at the Crossroads

A month on from the national, regional and EU elections in Belgium and the dust is still settling. How did the Greens fare and what possibilities lie ahead?

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A Politics Beyond Fear

Sociologist Karolina Wigura calls for a move from the pervasive politics of fear which has seen the rise of the far-right to a politics with a positive vision based on hope.

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Green Space in the History of Political Ideas

Liberalism, conservatism and socialism have long been seen as the dominant political paradigms of modernity. But these centuries-old frameworks are no longer unchallenged.

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Breaking Europe’s Double Deadlock

French President Macron’s bid to reform Europe has missed vital opportunities. Carefully built alliances and transnational politics are key to effectively changing Europe.

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Policies and Vision Matter, Not Style

As a way of doing politics, populism is here to stay. Its opponents must offer real alternatives and keep political debate grounded upon the choices at hand.

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The End of Sovereignty as We Knew It

With Europe in a moment of profound change, politics as normal will no longer suffice. Political forces must adapt to offer a vision for Europe that moves with its citizens.

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Europe Will Not Collapse But It Might Rot From Within

CEU gender studies professor Andrea Pető explores the challenge that illiberal regimes pose for gender equality and the values of modernity.

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