Binary Politics Can Be Dangerous

Majoritarian systems always disenfranchise somebody. Instead, what politics should do empower people and communities to come to decisions as one.

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Europe Ecologie Les Verts after the EU elections: Do or Die

After its success at the 2019 European elections, can the French Greens break their pattern of constantly rising and falling green waves?

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Gender Ideology and the Crisis of Care in Poland

In Poland the incumbent right-wing Law and Justice party, backed by the Catholic Church, demonised LGBT organisations in its recent successful electoral campaign. Adam Ostolski spoke to feminist activist and scholar Agnieszka Graff about why gender politics have become central to Polish politics, taking a step back to analyse how the Right’s scapegoating of gender is a response to the same set of social issues that the Left attributes to neoliberalism.

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Massive, Loud and Uncompromising: Greta Thunberg in the Czech Republic

Greta has forced the change up the Czech political agenda. But how the debate will change the country’s path is still uncertain.

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Unfulfilled Promises and Missed Opportunities in North Macedonia

Prospects of EU membership are on hold in North Macedonia, despite it going as far as to change its name to resolve a dispute with Greece.

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The Austrian Greens Make Their Comeback

From appealing across the rural-urban divide to new electoral coalitions, the lessons from Austria’s election are relevant for green and progressive parties all over Europe.

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Green is the New Normal in German Politics

With the Greens polling at a record high while the traditional parties seemingly run out of road, what are the factors underpinning the recent success of political ecology in Germany?

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Where Next for the French Greens?

In a France dominated by leaders without movements and rocked by movements without leaders, can political ecology build on EU election success to help fix the crisis of representation?

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Towards a Spanish Green Hegemony

A series of crises in recent years have made instability the political norm in Spain. Ahead of the general election in November, we ask how political ecology has fared through these developments and what opportunities lie ahead.

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Nationalising the Climate: Is the European Far Right Turning Green?

Research debunks the myth that far-right parties across Europe share a stance of climate denialism. But what might rising ‘climate nationalism’ mean?

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