Breaking Hard Earth: A Social History of Green Politics in Poland

Green politics has long been part of Polish politics and, despite its ups and downs, it certainly has a future.

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From the Street Up: Founding a New Politics in Spain

Is political ecology able to push for real transformation and to offer a convincing narrative that transcends class lines?

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Another State Is Possible: Greening the Levers of Power

Modern states were not built to protect the environment but today are essential institutions for building a sustainable future.

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The Three Tribes of Political Ecology

A call for the convergence of struggles between green socialism, the radical critics of modernity, and elite technocracy.

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Facing Our Future

Time is running out, but political ecology has the answers. A different world, a good life for all.

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The Potential of Green Politics in Italy

Does the ecological transition offer a route away from socio-economic stagnation?

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The Éric Piolle Effect: Grenoble’s Green Transition

Grenoble is looking to the future, hoping to keep its place among green cities.

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Prospects for a Progressive Poland

What will the coming months and years bring for the Polish political scene?

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“Australia will never be the same again”

Australia is one of the countries most affected by climate change, and yet it is also one of the worst-performing countries when it comes to climate action.

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Germany’s Central European Strategy Bites Back

Political differences between Germany and Central Europe cannot continue to be skirted if the EU is to effectively respond to the many challenges ahead.

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