Spain’s VOX Party and the Rise of International Environmental Populism

With projections of climate science now indisputable, many of Europe’s right-wing populist parties are abandoning responses of dismissal and denial in favour of a very different approach. The threat of climate change is increasingly appropriated and reframed to suit a nationalist political agenda.

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“The Electoral Cycle is Too Short for Real Political Change”

We asked Mohssin El Ghabri how ECOLO is navigating the current Belgian context and the party’s political ambitions.

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Navigating the Culture Wars on Europe’s Borders

We spoke with MP Tomas Tomilinas who explained the issues driving politics in Lithuania today.

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Opportunism Not Ideology: Fidesz’s Campaign Against Sexual Minorities

A new discriminatory law against LGBTQI+ people fits well into the long-running political strategy of Fidesz.

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The Radical Centre: German Greens Won’t Sit at the Fringes

The Greens were in the spotlight ahead of the German federal election. What were the key issues shaping public debate and where does the party stand?

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Germany: Towards a Socio-Ecological Market Society?

The government that takes power after September 2021 will have crucial choices to make – but what might it look like?

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Beyond the Berlin Republic: Germany’s Road to the Polls

As campaigning for the German federal elections intensifies, we look at the path ahead for parties in the race.

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Trapped in a Populist Imagination: Slovenia under Janša

Prime Minister Janez Janša is locked in a war with imagined enemies, fuelled by conspiracies and a distorted view of history.

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“The Most Challenging Term Since 1989”: Uphill Struggle for the Polish Greens

Green MP Urszula Zielinska discusses issues shaping political debate in Poland and the prospect of the 2023 elections.

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Greens in France Must Build a Narrative For the Past, Present, and Future

Green MEP David Cormand explains how the Greens can challenge the neoliberal and far-right duopoly in the French presidential elections of 2022.

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