Can Protests Steer Serbia Back Towards Democracy?

With parliamentary elections looming, Serbia’s political crisis has come to a head amid the economic fallout from the pandemic.

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Opposing Forces? France’s Green Campaign Seeks to Inspire Both Joy and Anger

With the French presidential election just weeks away, how is Yannick Jadot making the Green case?

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Can GroenLinks Bounce Back at Dutch Local Elections?

The 2021 national election introduced more progressive forces to Dutch politics. Will GroenLinks handle the stiff competition?

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Breaking Out of the Box: The Challenge for Irish Greens in Government

How can the Irish Greens maintain connections with grassroots activists outside of party politics whilst in government?

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The Power Struggle Derailing Romania’s Vaccination Campaign

Romania’s vaccination campaign conceals a power struggle which could push the country past breaking point.

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“We should approach this transition as an opportunity”: An interview with Adam Tooze

Adam Tooze’s Shutdown: How Covid Shook the World’s Economy sets out to understand the pandemic and its economic, social and political effects.

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Portuguese Elections: What Next After Years of Left-Wing Government?

Portugal heads to the polls in a week. For years an outpost for successful progressive government in the European Union, Portugal’s Socialist-led government lost its majority in late 2021. What can we expect from the snap elections? What role will Portugal’s green political forces play in shaping the country’s future?

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The Denial Business: Exposing the Far Right’s Love Affair with Fossil Fuels

A ground-breaking new book demonstrates how far-right forces have constructed a worldview that refutes proven facts and logic.

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Two Sides of the Same Coin: GroenLinks Needs Allies in the Fight for Climate and Social Justice

After a difficult year in 2021, the Dutch Greens are looking to the battles that lie ahead.

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Can Greens and Liberals Usher in a New Political Era in Germany?

We examine the changing German political landscape and if the Greens and the Liberals can work together in coalition.

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