The Privatisation of the Green Investment Bank: Short-Term Gains for Long-Term Losses

The Green Investment Bank was the first of its kind in the UK – what is it & what is the significance of its sell off?

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“Our World Can be Different if We Are Not Indifferent”

Inspiration from beyond Europe, from Rajagopal, renowned Indian activist who is planning a protest walk from Delhi to Geneva.

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Rethinking the City through the Commons

Green Mayor of Grenoble Eric Piolle on involving citizens in how their city is governed.

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The Time Is Now! Commons From Past to Present: An Interview with Tine De Moor

Tine De Moor takes us through the historical context of the commons.

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The Commons: A Quiet Revolution

Editorial: A striking brand of political momentum is building, driven by the resurgence of citizen-led initiatives around the commons…

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The City as a Commons

LabGov, the Laboratory for the governance of the commons in Italy, aims to foster innovative forms of public collaboration in the city of Bologna and beyond.

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Promoting the Interrail-Pass, yet Banning the Night Train?

The idea of a free interrail pass for every EU citizen on their 18th birthday to explore Europe’s diversity is enticing. However the EU’s emphasis on liberalisation is leading to the loss of night trains.

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Global Greens: 15 Year Anniversary

Fifteen years ago, in April 2001, an unexpected event took place in Canberra, Australia, that would change the scene of international political organisations. A significant number of environmentalists came with a single objective: to found a global Green movement that brings together all the Green parties and political movements of the Green world.

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TTIP in Green: Free Trade for Ostensibly Eco-goods

As the TTIP negotiations between the EU and US continue, another equally sinister force is currently under construction: the Environmental Goods Act (EGA). Both are conducted in secret, and we should not allow the controversy of the former to distract us too much from the great greenwash of the latter.

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A New Green Horizon

In a time of ecological uncertainty in a swiftly changing society, it is important that as Greens, we lend an ear to the public mood. However, change cannot be brought about if we ourselves also do not change – from a negative tone, to a positive one…

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