The Long Arm of Transnational Repression in Europe

The practice of targeting “enemy“ citizens abroad is not new, but it is on a rise and undermines fundamental rights.

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Can Europe Shape its Digital Space?

Why human rights and democracy need to be enshrined in Europe’s digital space.

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Europe’s Tech Policy Misses a Common Understanding

How technology is influencing Europe’s foreign policy development and geopolitical positions.

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Changing Landscapes

Six maps to understand the new global geopolitics.

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To Repair its Geopolitics, the West Needs a New Model of Statehood

Natalie Bennett looks at the dark history of the Cold War to argue that it is time for a real rules-based democratic order.

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Forget Geopolitics, Save the Climate

Why climate change is the ultimate international security threat.

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The Unhealthy Geopolitics of a Sovereign Europe

The post-pandemic rhetoric around a sovereign Europe is at best contradictory and at worst, a prescription to enact exclusionary policy.

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How We Put Out the Fire

Writer Kim Stanley Robinson explores how science fiction can be a source of inspiration rather than a reason to despair.

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Will Ecology Expand the EU’s Horizons?

With the US flip-flopping on its commitments and China disregarding democratic principles, the EU should seize the leadership opportunity.

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We Need to Talk: Why Change Only Comes Through Communication

Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto on how environmental disasters, vaccine solidarity, and human rights are at the heart of geopolitics.

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