
Major global conflicts are not resolved in the Dutch Parliament. Nor is The Hague the centre of the world. The Netherlands’ influence is determined by the extent to which it collaborates with other countries. GroenLinks therefore needs to look across the border when defining its position on military intervention. The opinions of our allies should be taken into account.

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On the Way Towards Greater International Responsibility?

There is no shortage of material with which to criticise American policy. But what exactly is the aim of this criticism – decoupling from America, or the renewal of the West?

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A True Green Foreign Policy: From Advocacy to Human Empowerment

Today, we witness an anachronistic pattern of foreign policy: incoherent, homocentric, far removed from the reality of people, and dominated by economic and political interests (the neoliberal system).

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Pacifism, Non-Violence and International Law – Green Parties and the Use of Force

Traditional theoretical approaches to conflicts are inoperative.

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Dutch Green Party and R2P: Soul-Searching Over Military Intervention

The use of military force is a sensitive issue for the Dutch Greens.

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Between Pacifism and Human Rights – the Alliance ‘90/The Greens and the Balkan Conflict

After the end of the Cold War and the renaissance of nationalism and of the concomitant abuses of human rights of the worst kind, the pacifism that had been one of the German Greens’ founding principles came into increasing conflict with its active defence of human rights.

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A Green New World – French, British and German Perspectives

Although Greens tend to agree on most issues, they don’t always think alike. Politicians from France, the UK and Germany discuss their stances and those of their national parties on the military industry, drones, Afghanistan, the legacy of Joschka Fischer, among other thorny issues…

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Greening Our Foreign Policy – of Visions, Principles and Contradictions

While the spectrum of ideas defining a Green foreign policy remains wide, several overarching tenets have emerged over the past decades.

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The EU and South East Asia – Why Europe Needs to Become an Active Player

Beset by the crises occurring internally and in its immediate neighbourhood, the EU has neglected its relations with South East Asia. This is a major shortcoming, since that region is becoming the epicentre of global relations and will play an increasingly important role for international security.

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Meeting Our Global Responsibility – The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Global inequality has risen alarmingly in recent years. Together with the global climate crisis, this poses a serious threat to our entire society.

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