We Owe the European Dream to Citizens

The European Union is far from perfect – from a Green perspective – yet at times when it is threatened, we must rally to its defence as an idea and as a project.

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Boats Against the Current: Europe in Unchartered Waters

Behind the sensational headlines and the obfuscating rhetoric, how can we explain the stark polarisation that seems to be taking hold, across Europe, between those who defend the idea of Europe and its institutions, and those who feel these do not enhance but rather hinder and threaten their aspirations?

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Green Observatory: Brexit

The Green Observatory provides a round-up of perspectives on a current political issue from the Green European Journal’s partners around Europe. This first edition focuses its lens on Brexit: how is the referendum on UK membership being discussed in different countries? And what could be the potential consequences on the ground in the case of a vote to leave the EU?

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Hope and ‘Heimat’: Do Greens Have a Vision That Can Work?

Green Parties in Europe have undergone astonishing growth and development over the past decades, but has the time now come to ask ‘Quo vadis’? An interview with Reinhard Bütikofer and Catherine Larrère by Michel Genet.

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Europe: One House for All

Professor Bronisław Geremek was a Father Figure to Europe.

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Border Games: Europe’s Shifting Lines

Borders are back! After 60 years of peace in Europe and the gradual abolition of its internal borders, Europe is now experiencing the full force of the backlash. National borders are once again being heralded as the essential panacea for the multiple crises which have shaken Europe right down to the depths of its foundations.

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The Collapse of the EU? The Return of Borders and the Danger of Populism

The Left in Europe might be tempted to answer with Left-wing populism to the current return of borders and to the broader socioeconomic crisis. This is playing with fire. An escalation of populism would actually benefit Right-wing populism. Only a consistent Europeanisation led by the Left can respond to the 21st century challenges of Europe.

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Just How Much Will it Take to Save Europe?

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s investment plan to kickstart the European economy proposes solutions based on the outdated assumption that growth in terms of construction of large infrastructure projects is the way forward. A more imaginative approach would be to look beyond this, and to put welfare and sustainability at the core of an ambitious long-term plan, which could make Europe’s economic future seem much more bright.

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“Is Europe Failing?”: thoughts on Joschka Fischer’s new book

Joschka Fischer’s new book, ‘Is Europe Failing?’ does not offer armour-plated solutions. Nevertheless, as well as its sharp analysis of the causes of the current European problems, it proposes a framework for resolving them. In any case, the book is an essential reading – beginning with the electric shock of seeing such an ardent supporter of the construction of a united Europe sounding such a loud alarm.

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“Europe Is Us”

“L’Europe, C’est Nous” (Europe is Us), by Edouard Gaudot and Benjamin Joyeux, invites us to consider the “real Europe” – a daily reality made up of exchanges, networks, mobility and cultural dialogue – in the face of huge challenges. The worrying results of the May elections mean we must look beyond the present and, above all, not despair. A review by Pierre Jonckheer.

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