Europe’s problem is not (just) Germany

Germany should not be criticised for pushing other EU countries to stick to agreed rules and reforms. However, it should also be prepared to do so as well.

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The troubling transformation of the EU

In its quest for competitiveness, the EU is becoming an increasingly coercive system, controlling members through a myriad of rules and mechanisms.

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The Order of Barcelona: Cities Without Fear

In Europe and beyond, municipalism, rooted in republicanism and enshrined in an ‘Order of Barcelona’ could help fight the ‘inertia of the nation-state’.

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France and Macron’s Europe

Green economist and philosopher Alain Lipietz explains the state of play in France and Macron’s vision for Europe. Is there space for pro-European progressive forces?

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A Never-Ending Accession Process? Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EU

After 17 years the country’s attempt to join the EU is still beset by hurdles. It is crucial now to make a real effort.

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Notes From an Island: One Year on from the Brexit Referendum

One year on from the Brexit vote, Britain’s new role in the world, and in Europe, is taking shape – what will it look like?

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Caroline Lucas MP: ‘Missed Opportunities’ by EU Led to Brexit

An interview with Green Party of England & Wales co-leader & MP Caroline Lucas.

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The EU Needs Real Pan-European Politics to Survive

How to counter the problems of a ‘half-finished Europe’? Interview with Raphaël Glucksmann & Monica Frassoni.

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How the Commons can Revitalise Europe

How can the EU support the establishment of commons, which could in turn sustain the European project?

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