Still Time for Another Europe?

Although progressive social movements engage less and less with the EU following its direction of the economic and refugee crises, the struggle for ‘another Europe’ is not lost.

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Looking Back and West: Lessons for Europe’s Future

Looking to historical and US-based examples offers a springboard to discuss European integration at a time of rising nationalism and populism.

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An Ever-Evolving Europe

The New Eastern Europe editor-in-chief analyses how, at European election time, impulses for change will affect an EU split in more ways than one.

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Rebooting Humanity: Blueprints for 2049

An interview with Rosi Braidotti,
philosopher, reflecting on technology, inequality and the politics of life itself in a world of artificial meat and surveillance capitalism.

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Europe: the Next Act

An interview with the Dutch historian on 10 years of crises and where Europe is headed now politics is back.

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Destination Europe

The Green European Journal’s editor-in-chief introduces the edition, journeying through a future Europe that aspires to make life better, brighter and more humane in 2049.

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From Corsica to Scotland: Autonomy in Europe as the Progressive Alternative

In overlooked parts of Europe, nationalism or regionalism is the basis for a progressive politics looking beyond the status quo.

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“Call It Tough Love.” Holding Europe to Its Own Ideal

According to Oxford academic Kalypso Nicolaïdis, the EU is much more resilient than it gets credit for. We sat down to discuss the state of the Union today and the key challenges to safeguard the future of Europe in a time when the world needs it most.

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A New, Equal EU: The Future of Europe Seen From the ‘Peripheries’

What does the future of the EU look like from Southern and Eastern Europe?

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The Sustainable Development Goals: An Opportunity for the EU

The UN Sustainable Development Goals are not just a tool for developing countries. They should drive EU responses to today’s many challenges.

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