Resilience Under Shock: Time for a Paradigm Shift

Faced with the systemic shock of the coronavirus crisis, the guiding principle for recovery should be resilience.

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Notes from a New Europe

What if the Green Wave of 2019 kept on going? What if the Greens become a major player in political majorities?

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Who Needs 5G in Malta?

Writing from Malta, Michele Kipiel argues that a democratic debate over what 5G technology is for and who controls it is both vital and urgent.

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Bringing Europe Down to Earth

Bruno Latour emphasises the need for a politics of the living moving from this European-invented space to the tangible space that he calls “dwelling place”.

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Europe and the Western Balkans: Dull Reality and Unrealistic Expectations

An analysis of how and why the EU accession process for the Western Balkans seems to be going nowhere, and what this might mean for the region.

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The European Union, a New Basis for Common Security

Against a backdrop of increasing instability, the EU must define a common security and defence doctrine which confronts the question of nuclear deterrence to ensure its strategic autonomy.

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Rule of Law in Limbo

Under the incoming von der Leyen Commission, political will shall determine whether the core EU value of rule of law is protected.

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The Future of the EU: Soldiers, Barbed Wire and Surveillance

Prospects of EU reform are slim and austerity and Fortress Europe are set to continue. What does this mean for progressive strategies around Europe?

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Can Deliberative Democracy Put EU Politics Back on Track?

Political scientist Cristina Monge argues that the public needs a real stake in shaping its politics if the European project is going to succeed.

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The Green-Left Future of Europe: A View from the Periphery

Truly tackling the 21st century’s biggest challenges demands a re-made EU which ties urgent action on climate change with a social justice agenda.

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