Letter: What’s at Stake – the Future of Europe lies in the Future of Ukraine

Ukrainian author Jurij Andruchowytsch, jointly with numerous intellectuals, calls for solidarity with Ukraine in an open letter to the German government.

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Counter-Democracy To the Rescue of Europe

Europe is dead. Or is it long live Europe? There are those who believe the threat of paralysis and dissolution remains, and those who optimistically seize any small positive sign as a reason to announce (yet again) that Europe’s crises can serve as a springboard.

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The Green European Fights

One of the primary conclusions of the past five years is that the days of “easy politics” are gone, we have moved to an era of “hard politics.”

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Solidarity and Strength

After considerable research and deliberation, the German political foundation Heinrich Boell Stiftung published its report “Strength and Solidarity” which puts forward a series of proposals in areas such as foreign and security; agricultural; energy; economics and monetary and enlargement policy. The report aims to facilitate discussion within the European Green movement. This is an extract of the report.

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EU Membership: Good for Business and the Environment

The reasons for staying in the EU are clear: the Union is good for the environment and good for business, despite what the Tories may claim.

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EU Must Build on Serbia-Kosovo Breakthrough

The deal between Serbia and Kosovo, brokered on 19 April by Catherine Ashton, is a sign of hope that the future of the western Balkans lies in the EU – but there is much more work to be done.

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The Eurozone Crisis and Its Repercussions for the Future of the EU

The Eurozone crisis is driving further integration and exposing weaknesses in the Union’s structure. However, the need for reform shouldn’t be used as a cloak to introduce further neoliberal measures.

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YES to a Referendum, YES to a Better Europe

A referendum should be held sooner rather than later – pro-Europeans must not be afraid to make the case for EU membership.

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Youth in Crisis – Let’s Change Europe!

We, young people in Europe, feel it’s time to reclaim Europe. For too long a time, old people have been deciding on our future, and they made the wrong decisions.

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Milestones for the Future of the EU

Responding to the debate sparked by the publication of ‘For Europe’ by Cohn-Bendit and Verhofstadt, GEF Co-President Pierre Jonckheer argues that the crisis is forcing each Member State to question staying together, each presenting a different response.

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