Debt and Financialisation: The Portuguese Example

The idea that the peripheral countries were the authors of their own destruction continues to exist at European level. However a closer examination of the facts shows this is not the case, and an urgent reprioritisation of EU policies is needed.

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Positive Money: How to Fix the Creation of Money?

In Autumn 2013 the Green Party of England and Wales voted to adopt a motion that would remove the power of banks to create money, and return that power to a democratically accountable part of the state. But what is money?

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Life and Debt

The ongoing crisis, caused by excessive global debt, saw only financial institutions being protected. For life to come before debt we need to build an alternative to this out-of-control financial system.

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Debt, The Whole History

An interview with David Graeber, who was in Brussels last October at the invitation of the Committee for the Cancellation of Third World Debt to present the translation of his latest book: Debt, The First 5,000 Years.

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The Financial Crisis Heralds the Need for a Deep Ecological Transition

In the dismal reality of the deepening financial crisis in the European Union, exploiting the natural environment is seen by troubled member states as a quick-fix solution for rapid economic recovery. Following decades of massive spending on an unsustainable economic and development model, the EU’s policy response is essentially a recipe for a much deeper and longer-term environmental crisis.

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The Carbon Bubble: The Real Threat to the Financial System

Over the past decades, markets have invested in damaging industries such as fossil fuels and financial speculation. This has contributed to unsustainable development, and may well be creating an enormous ‘carbon bubble’. However, there are steps we can take to stop this bubble turning into another subprime-style crisis.

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Towards a Green Economic and Financial System

The topic of greening the economic and financial system is broad and daunting. However breaking it down into a few key questions can highlight the steps that we as Greens must urgently take to reign in the financial industry.

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Let’s Tame the Giant!

The lessons of the last crisis always seem to be forgotten, and the financial world continues to grow and pose a risk to economy and planet. We Greens must marshal all our energy and ideas to reign it in.

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Parallel Currencies Are No Alternative for the Euro

While there is a growing consensus that it is now unlikely that any country will leave the Euro. However, other groups suggest that parallel currencies for northern countries alongside the Euro may be better for Europe, but this is hotly contested.

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Industry Meets Green Economy: Real Potential for Reconversion

Italy may be in the news for its economic and political uncertainty, but beneath the radar many manufacturing companies are making the necessary conversion to a sustainable and ecological future.

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