Collaboration is Just a Strategy – Overcoming the Limits of the Commons

Although the commons are no silver bullet solution to society’s ills, combined with the common good and other alternative models they can form the basis of a fairer and more sustainable economic order.

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Taking Back Ownership – Transforming Capital into Commons

What are the different ways resources can be managed and what different outcomes does it lead to?

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Why Joseph Stiglitz is Wrong

Joseph Stiglitz, American economist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, has come out with a new book, The Euro : How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe. In recent weeks, Stiglitz has appeared in several features in the press (see especially here in the Financial Times or here in the Guardian), […]

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Looking for a New Way of Talking About State-Financed Innovation

A book review of The Entrepreneurial State by Mariana Mazzucato.

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Saving the Eurozone: Is There a Green Way out of the Crisis?

Today, the debate surrounding the Eurozone focuses essentially on two questions: whether it would be preferable or even unavoidable to break up the euro area, at least in its current form, and whether it would be possible to fulfill the necessary political and economic conditions for a more resilient, prosperous and integrated EMU.

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The Fight Against TTIP: A Green Pyrrhic Victory?

Victory seems to be in sight for the movement against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

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What Will It Take to Achieve Tax Justice?

An interview with the economist Yann Moulier-Boutang and Philippe Lamberts, Co-President of the Greens in the European Parliament.

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The Case Against Phasing Out Cash

The prospect of the use of bank notes and coins becoming severely restricted, or even eliminated altogether, is one we should scrutinise closely. Making all transactions electronic could have a profound impact on the lives of many people, while giving banks even greater control over the flow of currency.

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The EU Printed €700 billion as a Desperate Plan to Save the Economy. It Failed. What Now?

In order to evade another economic earthquake similar to or even bigger than the Greek crisis and to reinstate the trust in the Euro, the European Central Bank (ECB) took extraordinary measures to boost growth, raise inflation and indirectly lower the indebtedness of the Eurozone Member States: they started the Quantitative Easing (QE) program.

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The Deception of Privatisation in Greece

For decades, a wave of privatisation has been rolling across Europe, making many investors, banks and consultancies rich but making few citizens happy. The great neoliberal promise of privatised utility companies providing water, power and transport more cheaply to their customers has regularly been shown to be deception and even, in many cases, a lie.

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