Working in the Digital Age: the Future of Companies and Regulation

Rapid and widespread digitalisation has transformed the organisation of work. How can the company adapt?

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Lightening Labour’s Load: An Atlas of Green Tax Alternatives

Taxes on employed labour income constitute the lion’s share of fiscal government revenues for governments in Europe. With the future of work uncertain, what are Green parties’ alternatives and proposals around Europe?

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The Gig Workers on Tap

Four panellists discuss the perils and possibilities of today’s so-called ‘gig economy’, and how governments can keep up.

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The Right Match: Finding Work in a Flexible Future

Flexibility: one person’s freedom and another’s insecurity. Dutch GroenLinks MEP Bas Eickhout and recruitment expert Robby Vanuxem discuss contemporary changes and challenges in the world of work.

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Tax havens must be closed, but not for the reasons you think

It’s not just about the tax havens, the state can do better than blaming tax evasion for poor public services.

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The Reforms that Europe Doesn’t Need

European progressives must prevent Macron and others’ efforts to increase the extent of the EU’s fiscal union, as these will only make Europe more undemocratic and neoliberal.

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Whose City Is It Anyway? Reflections on Global Urban Dynamics

Sociologist Saskia Sassen talks about the role of cities in globalisation, and how citizens can reclaim the rapidly dwindling urban space.

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Trade and the Environment – Sworn Enemies?

International trade currently creates huge environmental damage and ‘ecological debt’ from certain countries to others. How can this be remedied?

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Selling its Future Competitiveness? Why Europe Needs to Screen Foreign Investments

Foreign investment into the EU often have political, as well as economic, motivations. Should the EU act on this?

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