Choosing Investment over Breaking Even

Tight public spending may have powered its exports, but underinvestment in people and infrastructure has its costs. Could a new investment rule be just what Germany needs?

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Europe’s Unfinished Business

The EU needs a new model for doing business, one which marries innovation, social justice & sustainability, & puts Europe on the road to shared prosperity before crisis hits again.

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The Future of Money as an Institution

In an age of climate crisis where the social consequences of 2008 are still being felt, central banks are in uncharted territory.

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A Future of Fair and Democratic European Central Banking

A Eurozone expert envisions how a new monetary policy – changing the way we pay, save, tax and spend – could fix the contradictions pulling Europe apart.

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Trading Places

On the paradigm shift that awaits, a common-sense approach to rebalancing the troubled structures of international trade in the global economy.

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From Global Tax Dodging to Worldwide Wellbeing

This imagined news article describes a Europe where revenues recuperated from tax evasion and avoidance are invested back into wellbeing for the benefit of society and the environment.

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Doughnut Economics for a Thriving 21st Century

An interview on daring to dream and designing economics to regenerate life and community, to thrive rather than to grow.

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Reshaping Globalisation with A Green Trade Strategy

Donald Trump’s trade wars have triggered a long-overdue discussion on the downsides of international trade. What is the green response?

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Universal Basic Income Scheme for Malta: Would It Be Possible?

In Malta, Universal Basic Income could offer an answer to the uncertainty posed by the increasing automation of jobs.

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The Environmental Dividend: Greening in Times of Populism

An exploration of the environmental dividend as a response to the mistrust of green taxation.

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