Another Way of Looking at the Euro Crisis

A common prescription for crisis countries is to cut wage costs, but what if the problem is one of low wages in the core? From this perspective, current German polices will worsen the crisis and threaten the future of the Eurozone.

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How Green Is the State of the Union?

GEF Co-President Pierre Jonckheer responds to European Commission President Barroso’s ‘State of the Union’ speech in 2012.

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Why Not Rescue the Banks Instead of Rescuing Spain?

Rather than focus on Spain’s overall public debt, is it smarter to look at a bailout tailored just for its banks? A leading German and Spanish Green politicians discuss the reality of this prospect.

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Rio+20: Let’s Move Away from the Declaration and on to Action

This piece from Ecolo looks at what the conference produces, and asks what is next for the Green movement. This analysis of the Rio+20 conference was written by Jean-Marc Nollet, Evelyne Huytebroeck and Arnaud Pinxteren, who are elected representatives for the Belgian French-speaking Green Party Ecolo.

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Towards a New Green Leadership on Economic and Social Issues

The Greens have to use alternative green economic concepts and share them far beyond the academic sphere, with all who are now starting to realise that our economy is completely unsustainable. And above all they have to assert their specific approach to social justice.

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The Hope for a New Model?

Four years into the economic crisis, the global economy continues to verge on catastrophic failure. Debt-fueled capitalism, and its resulting inequalities, appear at fault, but what is the solution?

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A Package to Fix the European Economy – Thoughts from Finland

The Finnish Greens outline 10 suggestions for fixing the European economy.

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Only deeper European unification can save the eurozone

The ad-hoc solutions put forward by European leaders have failed to pull the continent from its economic crisis. As uncertainty continues, it is clear that only a decisive shift to a strong, democratic EU can save the Euro and guarantee the Union’s future. However this process must take place in a way that is open and transparent if it is to succeed.

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Getting Markets to Work for Green Politics

In Finland, Sairanen & Stenhäll’s book has been presented as an important stand to the discussion on how the economic sphere should be developed. It takes the position that no new green economic system is needed, rather we need to make hard decisions based on the current market economy.

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Green New Deal – the German Perspective

As the EU’s largest economy, the decisions the economic direction that Germany takes will have a major impact on the rest of the Union. This article by the German Greens examines how this ‘engine of Europe’ can be turned green.

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