The Anniversary of Broken Promises

5 years after the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, and the beginning of the worst economic crisis in decades, the EU has not delivered on promises of strong regulation of the financial sector. A swift overhaul is needed.

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The EU-US Free Trade Agreement: Bad Prospects for the Global South

The Global South could be a potential loser in the negotiations over an EU-US Free Trade Agreement. The fairer alternative is to return to the post-war idea of multilateral negotiations that involve civil society and provide a fair deal for all.

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TTIP – What It Is About and What We Want

Negotiations on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (the EU-US Free Trade Agreement) have the potential to undermine environmental, social and labour rights. As Greens, we must work to make the process more transparent and fight any attempt to lower standards.

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Portugal: When Fiction Becomes Reality

The failed austerity strategy imposed by the Troika is coming under increasing criticism, sometimes from unexpected corners. The time has come for a renegotiation of the debt incurred by the Portuguese State.

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Step up to the Plate

Following President Obama’s State of the Union, negotiations will shortly commence on the will be known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the EU and US. Some claim such a deal will create 2 million jobs, but reaching agreement will be difficult and to succeed the EU needs to identify what its priorities are.

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The European Crisis Explained in Two Graphs

A long book is probably too short to explain the European crisis in full length and depth.

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Fiscal Compact Undermines Good Solutions to the Crisis

Why did the Luxembourg Greens vote against the Fiscal Stability Treaty on February 27th and aske Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker not to implement it?

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Is the Euro Crisis Over?

The Eurozone crisis appears to have receeded, but threats of it still loom.

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Deutsche Bank: Gollum of the Financial World

Symbol of absolute power corrupting, the ring imagined by J.R.R Tolkien clearly fascinates many citizens. If caution obliges us to distinguish between fiction and reality, nevertheless imagination allows us to draw certain perceptive parallels.

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Social Vulnerability: the Price of Full Employment?

Are the neoliberal policies being pursued by the European Commission are feeding that populist forces that may tear the Union apart?

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