Africa Needs A Fair and Equitable Global Climate Agreement

The two things that will shape Africa’s progress in the coming years and decades are its population demographics and climate change.

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The Winding Road To Paris

The UN and EU, taken over by ‘corporate capture’, aren’t doing enough to tackle climate change. Non-governmental organisations are concentrating their efforts on fostering a broad movement that will go beyond Paris 2015, because if governments do fail to deliver, action to tackle climate change will remain essential.

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Alternatiba: Trusting in Our Collective Capacity for Change

In the wake of the release of the 5th IPCC report, 12,000 people gathered in Bayonne, France, on the 6th of October 2013, to present ways in which climate change can be tackled. They formed ‘Alternatiba’ – an initiative to spread alternative Green ways of living across Europe.

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It’s About Time – The Case for Shorter UNFCC Commitment Periods

The difference between five and ten year commitment periods for international climate negotiations shouldn’t be underestimated – with the science, technology and politics moving so fast, it’s vital we regularly re-assess our plans.

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The EU in Climate Negotiations: Losing the Lead

On the 20th of September, we witnessed with excitement the greatest international mobilisation against climate change ever held. And while changes appear to be occurring, we’re still waiting for a proper international agreement on climate change to be reached…

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The Run-Up to Paris 2015: A Change of Paradigm in the Climate Movement

The bitter disappointment at the failure of previous climate summits dealt a serious blow to climate activism.

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Greens Can Be the Political Voice of the Climate Movement

An interview with Dutch Green MEP Bas Eickhout.

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Europe and the Fight Against Climate Change

An interview with Amy Dahan, conducted by Rémi Beau.

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Time to Find A New Way to Tell The Story

The IPCC’s latest report is categorical: unless we act now, dramatic changes in global temperatures will occur by the end of the century. The message is loud and clear: it is a call to action of the utmost urgency.

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Questions Surfaced After Floodwaters Receded in the Balkans

The severe flooding which hit large areas of the Balkan region in spring 2014 highlighted serious flaws in the state response to such emergencies, as well as failures of environmental policy and planning. Fellow citizens and volunteers became a lifeline for those in need, as a result.

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