We Need to Talk about the Militarisation of Conservation

The conservation industry is pursuing an increasingly militarised approach, with serious consequences for local inhabitants.

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Nassonia Forest: Into the Common Wild

The Nassonia project in Belgium could be a leading light in common ownership and governance – with a few changes.

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Cry Me a River: Poland’s Threatened Waterways

The Polish government’s plans for Poland’s rivers would be disastrous – instead, control should be handed to communities.

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The Ocean: From Colonised Territory to Global Nation

The approach of European states to the surrounding waters has so far been inscribed in a logic of colonisation and conquering new territories in the name of national interest.

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Warding Off the curse of Raw Materials

In developing countries raw materials more often lead to inequality and conflict rather than prosperity and peace. But for most countries leaving the riches in the soil is not an option. What is needed for the fair mining of natural riches?

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The Last Village Standing: The Story of Lerissos

On Greece’s Halkidiki peninsula, in the North-East of the country, a monumental battle is taking place. The town of Ierissos and its inhabitants have become emblematic of this struggle, by taking a stand against an immensely powerful opponent. That opponent is Eldorado Gold.

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Saving RoşIa Montană: Romania’s New Face

Much to the surprise of everyone, the strongest protests in Romania’s late transition were related to environmental destruction.

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Education for Sustainability: A Driver in Global Change

People’s awareness, understanding and perception on the climate change and the ecological crisis should not be disregarded in the global action for sustainability and social and environmental justice. Education for sustainability works on all of this: let’s not disregard education as driver of the global change.

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‘End Ecocide’ shows ECI can be a mountain to climb for activists

The trajectory of the ‘End Ecocide’ ECI has highlighted some of the challenges faced by activists in using this democratic tool, and some of the flaws which need to be improved if it is to fulfil its aim of making the EU more responsive to citizens. An interview with Thomas Eitzenberger and Lilia Tamamdzhieva, coordinators of the ECI.

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A Climate For Change

The ecological challenge should no longer be addressed solely as an environmental issue. Rather, it should be considered a social one. A riveting French report makes the relationship between the environment and 21st century lifestyles amazingly concrete.

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