A Fair Share: Reclaiming the Commons with Basic Income

Drawing on the experience of the Alaskan oil fund, this interview unpicks the links between basic income and ecological sustainability.

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The UK Plastic Crisis Unwrapped

Public momentum to tackle plastic waste is strong in the UK, but political barriers stall further progress.

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The Road to the New Plastics Economy: Complexity Ahead

The EU is taking small steps to combatting plastic pollution, yet truly changing our relationship with plastic calls for rethinking consumption-based growth.

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Plastic Promises: Industry Seeking to Avoid Binding Regulations

As the EU acts on plastic pollution, industry lobbyists are upping their game in an effort to water down proposals.

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Sustainable Plastic? The Bioplastic (Com)Promise

In a world where plastic objects are almost unavoidable, we asked an advocate for bioplastics whether they can truly offer a sustainable alternative.

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Beyond Recycling: Rethinking Plastic From the Ground Up

An interview with plastic waste campaigners who call for curbs on plastic production to effectively contain plastic pollution at source.

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Oceans in Crisis: Gambling with Our Future

The combined crises of global warming, pollution, and overfishing are laying waste to the oceans. International action is needed to rescue them.

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Our Sustainability is Someone Else’s Disaster: Cities and the Environment

Are smart techno-managerial solutions the perfect alibi for resource extraction and inequality in our cities? We talked to author and academic Maria Kaika about the way that green technology so-called solutions are sometimes anything but, and can displace real action.

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Forging a Connection Between Local and Global Commons

Who does the ocean or the moon belong to? An interview about the legal power of ‘the common heritage of mankind’ concept.

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European Fire Governance in the Era of Megafires

The recent spate of wildfires in Portugal and elsewhere raises serious questions about the adequacy of European fire governance.

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