The Value of Nature in the City

Municipalities that previously invested in rewilding initiatives are reaping their rewards during lockdowns.

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Ecocide: Towards International Recognition

The fight to have ecocide recognised as a crime against humanity is finally yielding results in international law, but enforcement and proportionality remain uncertain.

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How the Pandemic Has Hit Plastics Recycling

As the Covid-19 crisis saw the price of oil plummet, consequences for plastic recycling – and more broadly the transition to a circular economy – may be grave.

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Facing Megafires: Forests as Commons

Uncontrollable fires rage across the world. What does it mean to live in the Pyrocene epoch?

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United We Stand: Labour Environmentalism and the Climate Movement

Looking at the climate crisis in class terms means reframing class conflict in terms of capital versus life.

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All Ground Is Fertile Ground: Attitudes to Ecology across Europe

Selected infographics offer a data-driven snapshot of ecological perceptions and realities and across Europe.

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Time to Rebel: Civil Disobedience for the Planet

A discussion with the Extinction Rebellion activist on the international climate group’s disruptive tactics in London and their demands for climate action.

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The Roof Is on Fire: How Europe Can Save the Planet

WWF Germany’s Michael Schäfer explains what is at stake in the European elections from an environmental and biodiversity perspective.

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Restoring Biodiversity through Rewilding

Rewilding might not be perfect or completely true to lost primeval worlds, but it does offer a positive way forward to bring back wildlife and restore vital natural processes.

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A Walk on Europe’s Wild Side

A look at the past, present and future of rewilding that makes the case for restoring natural wonder to both country and city.

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