From a Patchwork to a Stable Federal House

It is more vital than ever to transform the porous structure of the EU into a stable, federal house. A key instrument for this is the budget of the EU, through which European problem-solving capacities can be enhanced.

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What is Green solidarity?

Reflecting on contemporary and historical debates on the concept of ‘solidarity’ in Sweden, Per Gahrton finds conflicting views on what many take to be a simple concept.

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Technology, Relocalisation and Self-limitation

The 21st century presents a fascinating paradox: never before in its history has humanity reached such an advanced and refined level of technological development, but never has it come so close to the ecological precipice and global collapse. If this contradiction is to be overcome, political ecology must focus on two priorities: the relocalisation of the economy and the democracy of self-limitation.

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If There Is No Alternative, There Is No Democracy!

The neo-liberal Taliban have brought Europe to its knees. For the first time in its history, the European idea has been weakened to the point that its survival is now at risk.

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No Such Thing as Internet Freedom, Says Your Virtual Landlord

A broad public debate and continuous campaign is needed to ensure that governmental invasion of our private information is kept to a minimum, but the PRISM revelation may be the tipping point that brings this about.

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Accession May Be the Carrot, but Never the Bait

The accession process in the Balkan countries is sowing confusion in applicant countries, often as a result of overly political decisions by the Council of the EU.

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Never Closer Union? The British Test

In a context of an economic crisis and with public finances under stress, the on-going round of negotiations over the next EU Budget and the European legislation for the regulation of the financial industry have taken the British debate on Europe to a new level.

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“Real Democracy Now” in the Green Vision for Europe

The emergence of ‘Real Democracy Now’ and other similar movements such as ‘Occupy’ has raised awareness that many European citizens do not feel represented in the established party system. Spain 2011 – the origins of a movement for more democracy On 15 May 2011, around 100 people decided to occupy the ‘La Puerta de Sol’ […]

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For the European Republic

The EU cannot be conceived of as a democracy in the traditional sense and its methods of making decisions to date has been ineffective and brought about a crisis of confidence. As the EU’s powers have grown, this problem has become more acute. What is needed is a more transparent form of democracy, with European Citizens given a means of deciding between competing visions and policies.

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Federalism? What Federalism? A European debate

The crisis of the Eurozone has given new arguments for a radically more federal Europe. But what does it concretely mean from a Green European point of view? An interview with Monica Frassoni, co-chair of the European Green Party and Per Garthon, former Swedish MEP.

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