Politics Needs to Innovate to be Relevant

Citizens are demanding more direct democracy, something that the political parties are resisting. However the economic crisis has changed everything and made the status quo no longer sustainable. In its wake, a number of new movements are challenging how political decisions are being made.

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Shaking off the Stigma of ‘the Party That Likes to Ban Things’

Despite being only a small part of their manifesto, the German Greens’ policy of ‘veggie days’ gave them the unfortunate appearance of being the party that ‘wants to ban things’.

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The Success Story of the ‘right2water’ European Citizens Initiative

“Right2water” is the first successful European Citizens’ Initiative and has got everyone talking about water. What accounts for the success of this initiative, and how can others learn from it?

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The Convivialist Manifesto

A declaration of independence.

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Do We Need a Green Republicanism?

Are Greens republicans who ignore that they are republicans? And if so, what consequences may that have for their political doctrines?

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European Right to Freedom Act

We should recognise that the national context and legitimacy is here to stay for some time. We might overcome it one day, but not tomorrow. We therefore need to develop a new approach that allows for combining the national more legitimately and more democratically with the European.

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Flanders: a Region in Search of Itself

In 2010 the Flemish nationalists became the largest party in the Belgian Federal Parliament for the first time. Does the rise in electoral support for the N-VA herald the end of the state of Belgium or can the country continue to adapt?

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More federalism, More Autonomy, More Connections!

Belgian federalism and European federalism have reached the end of an epoch. Both have to be reinvented. To achieve this we must start from our shared interests and recognise the interdependence that links us. Environmentalists who have always been passionate federalists have to be the motors of this reinvention.

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Does Federalism Have a Future in Spain?

Federalism in Spain is singularly paradoxical. Although federalism seems, a priori, the most logical politico-juridical solution for a territorial reality as diverse as that of Spain, in fact, it has been and continues to be rejected as much by the main political parties—the Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party (PSOE) and the People’s Party (PP)—as by the nationalist parties.

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Combining National and European Allegiances

A Federal Europe cannot come about solely through disparaging national identity. Rather, a Federal Europe needs to be built based around concepts that are understandable to citizens: democratic accountability, transparency and a refrain from simple centralisation.

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