From a Green Reboot of Democracy to a Democratic Reboot of the Greens

In recent years, the volume of articles and books dedicated to the democratic crisis has been constantly expanding. The same is true of the literature addressing the ecological crisis. Yet a simultaneous reflection both on the ecological and on the democratic crisis has not accompanied this proliferation.

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The Presidency of the Commission: From Europe of the States to the Europe of the People

In the European elections, European citizens were for the first time given the opportunity to vote for a common European candidate to take the Presidency of the Commission. Yet now it seems uncertain whether this promise will materialise. The outcome will either reinforce or lessen the deficit of legitimacy in the EU.

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Pathways to a Europe of the Citizens

The time has come to review the democratic workings of the European Union. Ideally, this should be the subject of a new Convention, but it is also possible to strengthen, here and now, European democracy.

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The Dutch Far-right Stumbles

Once again, the Dutch politician Geert Wilders and his far-right party, the PVV (Freedom Party), found themselves in the headlines. At an election meeting Wilders made racist remarks and stood by them. It is a distasteful development that will have consequences beyond the Netherlands.

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No Glory: Averting Right-wing Revisionism Concerning the ‘Great’ War

‘History never repeats itself. Man always does’ This well-known adage of Voltaire seems more relevant than ever. As the British nation seeks to ‘commemorate’ the centenary of the start of the First World War, it is important to be very aware of and where necessary critical of the methods and use of language by which our leaders are attempting to portray this crucial event.

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History and the Europe of the Citizens

In the run-up to the 2014 European elections, all citizens of Europe had the opportunity to select the two leading candidates for the European Green Party. The winners of this ‘Green Primary’ were Ska Keller and José Bové, both Members of the European Parliament. What links do they see between Europe’s history and its politics?

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The Spectre of Nationalism: on European Illusions

There are parallels between the Europe of 1914 and that of 2014. Today’s divisions are the result of economic inequality and a crisis of democracy. The answer lies in social policy and in an anti-nationalist repolitisation of Europe.

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Universities are the Factories of the Future

Yann Moulier Boutang thinks of us as bees. Each day we pollinate millions of digital platforms producing intelligence, information and interactions that form the core of the new economy. As part of an on-going reflection on the form capitalism will take in the future, the magazine Usbek & Rica interviewed Yann Moulier Boutang, an economist close to the Italian philosopher Toni Negri and also to the French Greens.

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Greens and Pirates: in Search of a New Majority for the Commons?

Once you make a commons together, you can have different political visions, but what you share is this desire to construct and protect the commons. Interview with Michel Bauwens, theorist and activist, co-founder of the Peer-to-Peer Foundation.

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Italy: the Very Idea of Democracy in Danger

The turmoil the Italian political landscape has been traversing of late is particularly worrisome. Not so much for the political instability but more for the political blindness that it reveals and which risks destroying the fundamentals of the very idea of democracy itself. While the current government continues the politics of austerity imposed by the European Union, the reform of the political architecture is still missing.

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