Beyond Majority Rule: Electoral Systems for Inclusive Politics

Rethinking how we ask voters what they want could ensure representative government for all and help us create a collaborative political culture.

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Occupy the Institutions – The Spanish Experience

In Spain, ‘Cities of Change’ are changing the game in municipalities and pioneering citizen involvement – what is their relationship to national forces such as Podemos?

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The Battle For Belgrade

Belgrade’s waterfront is threatened with a megaproject imposed by the government. Citizens have taken to the streets and mobilised against it, and shown an alternative to this kind of urban development.

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Don’t Panic About Populism: Greater Threats Abound

Populism is malleable and isn’t the problem. The xenophobic nationalism that underpins certain populist movements is what threatens democracy.

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Beyond Opposition – How to Break Conservative Rule in Poland

Feminist and Green activist Aleksandra Kołeczek argues that to successfully challenge the Law and Justice Party’s grip on power, political opposition in Poland must develop an alternative vision and a fresh strategy.

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“Let’s Not Leave Emotion to the Populists!”

How is Poland’s ruling party managing to retain popularity despite mass protests, and how can its progressive parties learn to tap into people’s emotions? An interview with sociologist Dr Elżbieta Korolczuk, chair of one of the organisations behind the demonstrations.

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Poles Apart

The fight for democracy in Poland deserves European solidarity – but it should consist of more than commissioners pointing fingers from Brussels.

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Germany’s Populists Win Discourses, Not Elections

Is right-wing populism really on its way out – or is it seeping into the mainstream? How can it be countered? An analysis in the wake of the upcoming elections.

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From Power Sharing to Power Being Shared Out

The precarious equilibrium that exists in Northern Ireland’s politics is set to come under even greater strain as May seeks to form a new government in Westminster.

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Greens in Government: A Headache for Internal Party Organisation

Being in government entails a swathe of singular and testing challenges that Greens have to be prepared for.

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