Are Far-Right Ballots Protest Votes? 

The recent far-right gains in the European Parliament elections came as no surprise. As the new reality sets in, an important question arises: Is voting for the far right protest voting? The answer will have important implications for progressives in their attempts to win over dissatisfied voters.

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Cultivating Resilience: Urban and Guerrilla Gardening in Barcelona

Mariam Dzneladze on gardening
as a form of critical struggle
in heat-stricken cities.

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To the Lifehouse: Anarchist Thoughts on Care

Local communities are at the forefront of adaptation. Could mutual self-organisation lead to a decentralised network of global solidarity?

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A Portuguese Middle-Age Crisis? 

Fifty years after the democratic transition, Portugal is facing a political crisis of which the growth of the far right is the most dangerous symptom.

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Bulgaria’s Permanent Election

Bulgaria suffers from growing voter apathy, reflected in declining turnout and exacerbated by a campaign filled with propaganda and personal attacks.

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A Disaffected Generation? The Youth Vote and Europe’s Future 

As EU elections approach, there is a perception of a disengaged youth. Is this picture accurate and can it change?

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Coming Out of Illiberalism

Poland’s new governing coalition is making good on its pledges, but side-lining the president has exposed it to accusations of undemocratic action.

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Europe on the Ballot: It’s Not (All) About Turnout

Low voter participation in EU elections can undermine the democratic legitimacy of the EU Parliament. What could bring Europe closer to its citizens?

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UK General Elections: The Green Alternative to Starmer’s Uninspiring Labour 

Though a Labour victory is expected, the Green Party hopes to win seats in the upcoming general elections, amidst voters’ discontent with old parties.

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Dutch Elections: What Wilders’s Victory Means for the Green-Labour Alliance

Though Wilders’s victory represents a serious blow to the Green-Left alliance and the progressive future of the Netherlands, it also is an opportunity.

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